Saturday, July 4, 2020
10:00 A.M.
The Moffat Center, Linn, MO
Directions: From Linn, take Hwy. 50 west 1 ½ mi. to Co. Rd. 604, turn left & go 1 mile to building on right, or from Jefferson City, take Hwy. 50 east approx. 18 mi. & turn right on Co. Rd. 604.
Selling Antiques, Collectibles, Household, Tools, Misc
*Antiques* Collectibles*
Hand Carved Duck; Set of Colored Cut Glass Wine Goblets; Cranberry Glass Vases; Cosmos & Other Mini Oil Lamps; Approximately 10 pcs of Pottery; Some Stoneware, Pitchers +; Beer Steins; Some Cut Glass; Figurines; Wave Crest pcs; Carnival Glass; Prussia Teapot; Set of Coal Port China; Set of Crystal Goblets; Paper Weights; Books on Collectibles; 6 Canes; Old Christmas Ornaments; Loomis Spinning Rod; Biscuit Jars; 2 Armani Figurines; Picnic Basket; Collection of Hat Pins; Collection of Stick Pins; Sewing Items, Scissors +; Mesh & Beaded Purses; Sterling & Coin Silver pcs; Napkin Rings; Perfume Bottles, Baccarat & Others; Ivory & Other Bead Necklaces; Costume Jewelry; Glove Stretcher, Several Neon Beer Lights and other Beer Signs; Several Churns; 2 Qt. Dazey Churn; Maple Leaf Crocks 10-8-6-5-3; Vintage Scales; Pin Ball Machine; 2 Pressure Washers; Motorcycle; Fishing Poles; Antique Floor Model Radio; Lightning Rods; Parking Meter; Old Grandmother Clock; Antique Wall Clocks; Large Winchester Mural; Cross Bows; Old Sleds; Old Child’s Piano; Edwards & Minish Crock, Calhoun, MO; Old Children’s Books; Blue & White Granite Ware; 1926 St Louis Cards World Series Pin; M/T Walnut Washstands; M/T Walnut Table; 2 Oak Hoosier Cabinets; Oak Bookcase Secretary; Early Tin Pie Safe w/ Pegged Doors, & 2 Drawers Below; Early Saw Buck Table; Early Blanket Boy Square Nale; China Cabinet; 3 Drawer Table; Chimney Cabinet; Painted Wood Boxes; Rocker; Jenny Lind Bed; Costume Jewelry; Old Christmas Decor; Lots of old Country Items off of a Century Old Farm; 49-54 Chevrolet Hood, Floor Panel, Bumper and Window Frame w/ 1 glass window.
Silver Dollars including 1894 O, 1897 S; 1858 Seated Liberty Half; Buffalo nickels; Other Coins; Confederate States $20 bill; Silver Certificates.
*1995 GMC Box Van w/ 16′ Box, Diesel, Well Maintained*
2 Auction rings all day.
Note: This will be a large auction.. We will run 2 auction rings all day. Please bring a friend and make plans to attend. Hope to see you at the auction. Rick
Terms: Cash or good check with proper identification. All sales are final. Everything sells as is, where is. Proper identification is necessary to obtain a buyer’s number. Announcements day of sale supersede all printed material. Lunch on grounds.
708 E. McCarty St., Jefferson City, MO 65101 – Business Office
Jefferson City, MO
Linn, MO
Jefferson City, MO