Richard Moffat Auction Service is fully equipped to handle any and all of your auction needs. If you desire to have your auction on location at your residence or farm, we can provide you an office trailer for privacy, a portable bathroom, various locking display cases, tables, flatbed trailers and a computerized clerking and cashiering system with drivers license scanners. We also have a loader tractor, a Gator and a skid steer for country farm auctions. We additionally have a 16 foot dump trailer to assist with your trash disposal needs after the auction. We have several portable cordless PA systems, and appropriate signage to handle any type of auction.
If you desire to have your auction at our facility, The Moffat Center, or at a rented hall, we can accommodate your needs as well. We can assist you with the hauling and packing of your items. We have several cargo trailers and a 16 foot diesel moving truck with a ramp for easy loading and unloading. We also have packing blankets and dollies to assist with moving your items to the auction location. Richard has a team of workers that can do the loading, delivering and unloading of your auction items if needed.
To contact Richard Moffat, please call 573-761-4293 or 573-690-2823.